Short documentary directed by David Beriain on the history by Serxio Ces, percebeiro Cedeira, Galicia. Synopsis: Winds blowing, the sea hitting the cliffs. Barnacles grow at the very limit of the dangerous rocky shore where the sea expresses its rage and fierceness. Serxo and his mates walks through powerful waves. Courage and fear against common...
A unique voice, deep and anguished,Carmen Navasal Pérez, better known as Señora Carmen, she was a popular cantareira (singer in galician) and member of the band “Malvela”. Mrs. Carmen was one of the most representative voices of traditional Galician music. She was founder and soloist of the popular music band Malvela. She climbed on stage for the...
Galicia, Spain. Scenes include the cathedral (the shrine of St. James) and the Pazo de Raxoi (Raxoi’s Palace) in the enchanting capital city of Santiago de Compostela; the newly designed Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia (designed by renowned New York architect Peter Eisenman). Also, the lovely seaside town of Portosin; the preparation of one...
Documentary that shows how two kids have what we call in Spain, “duende“, the art of flamenco. This film provides an authentic excursion into the world of flamenco music and the fascinating music culture of Spanish Gypsies. The documentary also tells an intimate story of two different paths to acquiring virtuosity and of the passing...
Healthy and delicious recipe all the way from the Mediterranean!, the Gazpacho. Suitable for Vegans, Vegetarians and everyone else Gazpacho – Mediterranean Dish from Eduardo H. Garza on Vimeo.
If you like flamenco we invite you to meet a new tool that will revolutionize the way you learn and practice flamenco, the Flamencometro. You can learn the rhytms of flamenco and have fun. The program also comes with full banks of sounds, chords, scales, tabs, arpeggios … You can record your own audio and...
In January we can enjoy one of the oldest carnivals in the world, the carnival of Ituren and Zubieta, two villages from Navarra. Carnival is a pagan holiday and has always been one of the most popular festivals in old europe’s societies. It was an opportunity to do and say things that the rest of...
Are you having difficulties ordering typical Spanish food when traveling to Spain? Did you get something different from what you ordered in a bar? Presenting Typical Spanish Pantone Food, an unique guide to the typical Spanish food. Thanks to the famous Pantone color system, you will always get what you want when ordering...