Yearly Archives: 2021

Traveling to know other places is a privilege that we have to move around the world. This, too, carries with it a great responsibility. The responsibility to conserve our planet so that it remains in the best possible conditions for future generations. We were talking about all this at the Mediterranean Posidonia Network conference on...
Marina Alta Region is one of those areas that captivates you little by little. Many come for the first time to enjoy its long beaches in the summer months. All of them fall in love with the fantastic and rich gastronomy of its numerous restaurants. The most curious dare to inquire about the origin of...
Spring is finally here, the sun warms the sea water, the vineyards are in bloom and tapas at sunset taste great. Spain is a country with hundreds of traditions and local festivals that celebrate very different aspects such as the arrival of spring, the history of ancient settlers or the Catholic faith. Let’s start with...
It is always said that the Valencia Region is the land of music, a nest for bands. Berklee College of Music has set up a campus in Valencia because here they breathe art all around. But what about the figures? In absolute figures, there are a total of 1,686 artistic formations within the musical societies;...
Every 20th of January, San Sebastian in the Basque Country (North of Spain) moves to the sound of the drums. In honor of the city’s patron saint, the Tamborrada de San Sebastián provides the soundtrack for what is the best festival in this city. More than 18,000 participants divided into 147 tamborradas take their drums...
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